Saturday, December 25, 2010

¡Bienvenidos y'all!

For the non-Spanish speakers, that means "Welcome Y'all" and for those of you not from the South that means "Welcome You All".  I'm not fluent in Spanish, but functional enough to teach it to preschoolers.  However, I'm definitely fluent in Texan.  So let me to tell you what I'm fixin' to do with this blog...

My name is Dawn and I've been thinking about creating a blog forever, but I'm a procastinator and chicken.  This is a bad combination for putting my thoughts, etc out for the public to see. But I've recently been inspired enough by a friend of mine to bite the bullet.

My hope is to share the blessings I've been granted.  My greatest blessings being my husband (AKA Chief Blessing), my daughter (AKA Sister Blessing), and my son (AKA Brother Blessing).  I also hope to bless others by sharing my love of making things - mostly sewing, but other crafts will be tried as my ADD self gets a hankering (Texas translation:  desire to do something).  Hope y'all will stay tuned!

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