Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Calling My Name

I received an amazing Christmas present from my parents – A new sewing machine!  I’ve been sewing on my mom’s old machine.  It’s almost as old as I am.  After playing Just Dance Kids with Sister Blessing last night that seems even older than it really is…but I digress…

My machine has served me well, but there have been some frustrations because of its age.  And these frustrations always seem to occur right at the least convenient time.  Since I was making presents and trying to create an inventory for my future Etsy shop…I was sometimes a little frustrated.  And my mom received many a call requesting advice on how to coax my stubborn machine to do its job.

Fast forward to Christmas morning and this is what I opened:

(Trying to decide which is a more accurate description of my reaction - Handel’s Messiah chorus or Ralphie’s reaction to his Red Ryder BB gun)

This machine is really, really, really COOL!  It has too many stitches to count; it does button holes, and buttons!!!!  And it will feed my personalization addiction.  I love to put names on items and since I broke my promise to myself to never give a child a name you couldn’t find on pencils, etc (I hated not being able to find my name as a kid)…I have to do the names myself or pay for special personalization.  Appliqués are slightly time consuming and I’m too cheap to pay for it…so many items are left unlabeled – How sad is that?!?!?!?  But now I can do it myself, because this awesome machine embroiders, too!

But, alas, this marvelous piece of machinery remains in the box, calling my name.  We are taking advantage of the time Chief Blessing has off from work to spend some quality time with extended family.  We are having a lot of fun and the kiddos are being spoiled tremendously.  Chief Blessing and I are even going to be able to go on a much needed, much anticipated date night.  However, I’m itching to get my hands on this machine and give it a test drive.  So while I’m enjoying all the activities, conversation, etc…I’m obsessing over  occasionally thinking about trying this out in the back of my mind.  Once I get a chance to play with my new toy, I will share my experience with all of you – since I’m sure y’all are just dying to hear about it…

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